Publishing a Project
You can publish your project online and collect responses in one organized place. Follow the five steps below to publish your project and begin collecting responses from eligible respondents.
Step 1. Under Project Stages, click the down arrow to the right of Publication and click the Publish substage.
Step 2. Assign start and end dates for vendor submission periods by clicking the calendar option to the right of the start date and end date fields at the top of the settings screen. Select whether you want to enable multiple responses from vendors, which would allow them to submit more than one response to questions. In the lower right corner of the screen, choose an appropriate time zone to correspond with the start and end dates vendors are required to adhere to.
Step 3. Select whether you wish to enable the question and answer feature on the platform. If you choose Yes, the Q&A Starts on and Q&A ends on fields become mandatory to select dates for; please do so by clicking the calendar option to the right of the Q&A starts on and Q&A ends on fields. Please also choose a Q&A response time; this will not be seen by vendors but solely be able to be viewed internally. You will be send reminders if questions are responded to and you haven't acknowledged the answers yet.
Step 4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Update Stage to further the publication of your project. You will see a field where you will be provided with a link to your published project:
You can copy/paste the publish link into a new web browser tab to see the landing page for your published project.
Click "Preview the Form" to see published project details and forms.
Step 5. The final step is to distribute your publish link to vendors according to your organization's policies (e.g., via email or posting on your organization's public webpage). This enables interested parties to learn about your project, see details, and initiate a response.
These five steps complete the process of publishing your project! Your project documents are now accessible and can be responded to online.
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