Managing User Roles

Managing User Roles

As mentioned in Procurement Staff Permissions, you have the necessary permissions to manage the user settings and permissions for your projects. Let's get into the many ways you can do this.

Organization Page

The Organization Page displays a list of all members with access to the system. From here, you can invite new users and resend invitations.

Invite New Users

Administrators and Procurement Staff have the ability to manage users and user accounts in DB.

To invite a new team member to  Builder, do the following:
  1. Click Invite a New Team Member.

  2. Enter the new team member’s email address and name into the fields.
  3. Click 'Create Invitation'.
If the user has not received the link via email, you can select 'Resend Invitation'.
The system will auto-generate an "existing user" error message, if a user attempts to invite someone that already has an account within the organization.


You can also invite and remove team members to any project you create or have access to as an Owner/Editor. You can do this by selecting 'Edit Solicitation Details' from your solicitation dashboard.

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