Contract Award: How to Create Contracts

Contract Award: How to Create Contracts

City Innovate's Contract Administration module was created to manage contracts, amendments, and renewals. It includes a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities to preserve published versions of solicitation and addendums, and choose applicable documents to create new contracts, amendments, and renewals -- all from the same project.

How to Create Contracts

Before you may create a Contract, your Document Builder project needs to be in the Completed state.  To mark a project Complete, go to your project’s Solicitation Details section and there change the status of your project to Complete.  Once you’ve statuses your project appropriately, you will be able to create a Contract by clicking on “Create Contract”.  

After clicking Create Contract, you will be guided to detail the record.

There is a minimum amount of information that is required on the Creating A Contract page. The fields include: 

  1. Name (Start date and end date will be appended to the name with the format of Jun2023_Jun2024)
  2. Start Date (defaults to today’s date, can be adjusted)
  3. End Date (120/90/60/30 day reminders will be created via tasks)
  4. Amount (dollar value of contract)
  5. Organization Name (Name of the organization providing contracted goods or services)
  6. Organization ID (Unique ID issued by your organization or a central authority)

When finished filling out the fields, click on the blue Create Contract button at the bottom of the page.

Next, select the documents required for the record.  The record will prompt you to select which documents from the solicitation to include in the contract. After selecting the documents you want to include in the contract, click the blue “Add documents” button at the bottom of the option. 

After your contract documents are built, click on the “go” link at the bottom corner of the pop up. 

You will see on the right side of the Contract dashboard that your Contract has been created.  On the  the left hand side there will be a new stage available where your contract is housed alongside substages that include your contract details. 


After you create a contract, the status options will change to:
  1. Draft - the contract is not yet approved and finalized
  2. Active - the contract is finalized, and its term has started in correspondence with its start date.
  3. Expired - the contract has ended and is no longer active.
  4. Terminated - the contract is terminated and ended prior to the original end date.

User Roles and Permissions

Here is a breakdown of User Roles and the Permissions each has in terms of the Contract Administration process and what each is able to do:

  1. Note, that the permission assignments in the contract and addendum stage are not the same throughout the project build process. 
  2. Users that are added to the contract stage do not have recursive visibility into the prior project stages (such as Solicitation Builder, Publication, or Evaluation stages).
  3. The owner of the solicitation will be defaulted as the owner of the contract.


Here are the various substages in the Contract:
  1. Details 
  2. Documents 
  3. Headers and Footers 
  4. Question Responses 
  5. Tasks 
  6. Exports 
  7. Messages

Contract Renewals and Amendments
From the same project, you can also create Contract Amendments and Contract Renewals. Click the links below to learn more.

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