

Creating workflows gives admins an opportunity to customize projects for their teams based on their procurement needs. Having a standardized workflow with only a Document Builder project stage allows procurement staff to focus on releasing it to your CIO's for review. The system will prompt you to enter your workflow and then guide you to filling out the specific solicitation criteria before creation. Alternatively, publishing a challenge could involve a workflow with an application builder, publication, and evaluation project stage.

To reiterate: it's important to understand these core principles as it relates to the tool:
  1. Every project needs a workflow
  2. A workflow contains at least one stage, which contains substages
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Admins and/or Team Administrators can do the following:
  1. Create, edit, and delete new and existing workflows
  2. Add, edit, or remove substages for new or existing workflows
  3. Add tags to a workflow
Without a workflow, your team members cannot create new solicitations and/or projects.

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