Visual Indicators

Visual Indicators

When you are editing documents and sections within the tool, there will be several visual indicators to light your way. These indicators will alert you of status, permissions, comments etc. Let's discuss some of those indicators and their meanings.

Document View

When you navigate to the document view, you’ll see enhanced visual indicators based on your specific user role and permissions. Each section will use colored visual indicators to denote the status of a section. 

Red = Not Started, Yellow = In Progress, Completed = dotted line disappears

For Owners/Editors

Editors/Owners can manage these permissions by selecting ‘Section Settings’ using the three-dot menu.

For Guest Contributors

If the Owner/Editor has opened documents/sections for guest contributors, it will be denoted by a blue label showing that GC"s have access.

For Reviewers

Unlocking a Section and other Indicators

  1. For Owners/Editors, and Guest Contributors with the appropriate permissions, you will have the option of unlocking/locking sections.
  2. When a comment has been left within a section, the bubble indicator will appear on the left-side of the section. Similarly, the other icon denotes a section that has given permission for Guest Contributors to edit.
  3. This icon allows the user to expand or collapse the Table of Contents.
A section that is locked can be unlocked. The status change is not permanent.
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