Variables and References

Variables and References

This article covers Variables and Dynamic References.
  1. Variables are tools to ensure consistency and accuracy of key information, such as dates and contacts, across project documents. Variables serve as placeholders in document sections, that automatically input associated data from project question responses. 
  2. Dynamic References are tools to ensure accuracy for document and section titles. Dynamic References also help readers navigate to different areas of your project document package. 

Adding Variables to Documents

Within projects, any user with access to a document section can insert a variable.

To add a variable to a document section:
1Open a project, then open a document, then Edit Section to display the text editor.
In the text editor, type the dollar sign symbol ($). This will display a list of variables. Type a key word immediately following the dollar sign symbol to filter the list of variables ($page). From the list of variables, click the one you want to insert. This will insert the variable into the section.

In the Section view, the variable will be highlighted green:

Return to document to view the data input from the associated project question response:

If the associated question hasn't been answered yet, the document view and exported documents will display text "{{Missing Question Response}} - {{Question}}". To resolve this, go to the Question Responses substage then respond to the associated question:

System Variables

System variables are variables that are available in all organizations. System variables can be used any number of times within documents.
The system variables are:

System variable




Request For Offer

The full solicitation type that is chosen for the project.



The abbreviation of the solicitation type.


California Multiple Awards Schedule

The full leveraged procurement agreement (LPA) type that is chosen for the project.



The abbreviation of the leveraged procurement agreement (LPA) type.


Scope of Work

The name of the document you're working in.


#12456 - Telecommunications System

The name of the project where you're viewing the document.



The name of the user in the project role "Owner."


Yasmin Villegas

The email address of the user in the project role "Owner."



The phone number of the user in the project role "Owner."



The page number of the document. Note: this will only be filled after you export your documents.



The total page number of the document. Note: this will only be filled after you export your documents.

Custom Variables (Administrators)

Administrators can configure custom variables on the Configuration page.
Custom variables are always associated with question responses.
Within document templates and project documents, custom variables can be used any number of times.

To create a custom variable:
1Go to Configuration, open Question Responses, then click Add New Question.

2Fill out the required fields. In the field "If you'd like to use the response to this question to populate a variable in section templates, give it a name", write your variable formatted with underscores between words. For example, release_date

3Your variable will be created and available in applicable projects.

Adding Dynamic References in Document Sections

If a document/section exists, you can add a Dynamic Reference to the document/section in body text. 

To add a dynamic reference:
1Open a project, then open a document, then Edit Section to display the text editor.
2In the text editor, type the plus sign symbol (+). This will display a list of document and section titles. Type a key word immediately following the plus sign symbol to filter the list of titles (+statement).

3From the list of titles, click the one you want to insert. This will insert the dynamic reference into the section.

In the Section view, the dynamic reference will be highlighted with a green highlight. 

When you return to document and when you export your documents, the highlight will not display, and the reference becomes a clickable link that directs the user to the referenced document/section.

Notes about Dynamic References

If you reorder or change the title of a document/section:
the system will automatically update all dynamic references.

If you archive or remove a document/section and add a new document/section in its place:
dynamic references are not updated automatically but can be manually replaced by users.

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