Task List
Task lists can be found throughout a project and generally have the same visual format. Tasks can be assigned to specific users, commented on, and tracked to keep your team up-to-date on pending items.
Tasks can be associated with most any item in the system including:
- Projects
- Documents
- Sections and subsections within documents
- Questions
Let's breakdown the image Task List above:
- Within the SB project stage and within document view, you will have the option of using the Toc or Table of Contents to navigate directly to your task list. Simply select 'Solicitation Tasks' or ' Document Tasks' for quick transport.
- Each task list will have a toolbar. You can use this toolbar to sort your tasks based on the following categories:
- Task Name
- Status
- Associated project/document/section
- Labels, Assigned persons
- Due Date, and Last update made to a task
- To view, edit, or comment on a task, simply left-click the task name. A left-hand panel view will appear.
Let's look more closely at the categories located in your task list toolbar. Please note any of these details can be changed throughout the solicitation process.

A list of tasks are automatically created when a new project is created.
Task Name: this is up to the discretion of the person that creates a task.
Status: This can be changed to Completed, Incomplete, or Archived to help track task progress. Tasks cannot be deleted, only archived.
Associated With: all tasks are connected to a document , section, or project
Labels: this is up to the discretion of the person that creates a task.
Assignee: You have the option of assigning any task to a specific team member with access to your project.
Due Date: when you'd like the item to be due
Last Update: list of timestamped updates

A list of tasks are automatically created when a new project is created or when sections have been marked for deletion.
The task view has features to help users find precise tasks and projects, quickly and effectively. You have the ability to add new tasks, sort/filter and export tasks via Unique Identifier number, Task Name, Due Date, and more.
Tasks can be associated with most any item in the system including:
- Projects
- Documents
- Sections and subsections within documents
- Questions
Adding and Assigning Tasks
When you create a new project, the system creates a number of tasks that is equal to the number of questions, documents and sections that need to be completed. Users can also create new tasks.
You can create a task from the task view, solicitation dashboard, document view, section view or with questions. When a new task is created, the assigned user can find it in their task box within the tool. For each task, you can fill out the appropriate details as you see fit.
Solicitation Dashboard: On the solicitation or project dashboard, you can use the left-side navigation panel to select ‘Solicitation Tasks’. The ‘New Task’ button can be found at the top of this section.
Once all of the details have been filled in, select ‘Create Task’.
You can use the style features above the Description field to bold, italicize, cross out text; create a hyperlink; make headings; add code; make bulleted or numbered lists; increase or decrease indentations; attach files; and undo or redo changes.
Task View: From your Task View page, you can add a new task using the ‘New Task’ button. Please note that this option will not appear if you have a task(s) checked via the checkbox on the far left of the screen.
Document View: When you left-click the title of any document, it will bring you to document view. From this view, if you scroll to the bottom, you will find the 'Document Tasks' section. From here, you can create a new task associated with that specific document.
Section View: Similarly, if you select 'Edit Section' located in the three-dot drop down menu, you will find 'Section Tasks' at the bottom of this view.
To assign someone a task, such as completing a section, open the task, type their name, and select the colleague from the drop down menu.
That colleague will now see that task in their personal tasks. They will also receive a notification in their Inbox with a link to the section in question.
Email Notifications
Users will get an email for a task when:
- A new task is created and assigned to them.
- A task not generated by the system is reassigned to them.
Users won't get an email for a task when:
- A task generated by the system is assigned or reassigned to them.