Status Your Projects and Solicitations

Status Your Projects and Solicitations

You can use statuses to organize your projects and keep your colleagues and team updated on their progress. You can set statuses at the project level or the solicitation level.

Project Status Definitions

Project status is a high-level overview of where your Project is in its lifecycle. Changing it will affect which tab your project appears in on the Project Dashboard: Active, Completed, or Archived.

In order to modify the Project Status, click on the Edit button on the far right of the Project's row (encircled in green in the above screenshot)

Once you have entered the Edit view for Project status, you will have 3 options to select from to adjust the Status of your project (detailed below)

  1. Active: Project is currently being worked on by your team, progressing through its paces/lifecycle and requiring regular access. All new projects are set to the status Active.
  2. Complete: Project has gone through its lifecycle, and is highly unlikely to be returned to for any additional work. This will move the project to the Completed Projects tab on the Projects page.
  3. Archived: Project has gone through it's lifecycle, and has been determined to no longer need additional work. This will move the project to Archived Projects tab and exclude the project from Analytics.

Video: How to change your project status

  1. Go to the projects page and find your project
  2. Click “Edit”
  3. Select a status from the drop down menu

  4. Click "Update Project" to save

Solicitation Status Definitions

Solicitation Status differs from Project Status, in that it is a detailed reflection of the specific phase your project is currently at. This allows you to more granularly depict which phase of an Active project you are currently working through.

For any projects that have a Solicitation Builder workflow, there are 7 statuses you can set your solicitation to: In Progress, Under Review, Published, Addendum, Contracting, Completed, Archived. 

  • All new projects are set to the status In Progress.

  • When you reach a milestone after In Progress, you can set the status that represents the next phase you're starting.

  • After you sign a contract with a bidder or vendor, you can change the status to Completed

  • If you cancel or pause a project for any reason, you can change the status to Archived. This will exclude the project from Analytics. We highly recommend adjusting the Project Status to Archived should you adjust the Solicitation Status to this.

Video: How to change your solicitation status

  1. Open your Solicitation Builder Project, which lands you on the Solicitation Details page
  2. Select a status from the drop down menu encircled in the screenshot below
  3. Select the new status

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