Setting Up Evaluation Settings

Setting Up Evaluation Settings

Before evaluators may assess responses from vendors to their project, Administrators must first determine what their evaluation settings will be configured to.
Access your project, go to the Evaluation Stage and click Evaluation Settings on the left;

This will open up the Settings page and is where the Administrator would add the Worksheet.

You will want to select Yes for include all criteria but do NOT click the Include all Worksheets button.  You will then want to:

  1. Check the box indicating you wish to Seal Submissions
  2. Set Summary Strategy to Group Average
  3. Set Send Vendor Acceptance Email to No
  4. Optionally, under the Collaboration section add one Admin Contributor who has the ability to edit Evaluation settings in this stage, and add one View Only Contributor with read-only access.
  5. Select Update Stage at the bottom of the screen to save the configuration.

If you have further questions please don't hesitate to reach out to support at !  

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