Section Features

Section Features

See examples from previous solicitations

When in section view, you will have the option of pulling in previous language used in past projects. Users with permissions to edit a section can select 'See Examples from Previous Solicitations' to display a list of relevant examples.

These criteria determine if language from solicitations will or will not display:

Will display:
  1. Project Status is: Published, Addendum, Contracting, Completed, or Archived
  2. Section is part of the configured template 
  3. The language is customized/changed from the configured template language
Will not display:
  1. Project Status is: In Progress, Under Review, Addendum
  2. Section is not part of the configured template (was custom added to a project)
  3. The language is not customized/changed from the configured template language 
These criteria were defined to ensure that no language from pre-released solicitations is inappropriately shared and copied before solicitations are released; and to help ensure that all users are working with default templates that are stored and managed on the Configuration page.

Version History

You have the option of restoring different saved versions of that particular section. When a project is created, each section will have an 'Initial Snapshot' stored. Throughout the editing process, you can save different versions of a section in the event you need specific language restored.

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