Congratulations! You’ve been invited to participate in a project as a Reviewer. The expertise you hold within a specific subject matter (managerial, legal, finance, etc.) can be used to provide the input and clarity needed to complete a project.
Document Builder makes it easy for you to quickly collaborate and provide input as you help with the editing process of this project.
Upon being invited as a Reviewer, you will receive an invitation email in your inbox. The invitation will be specific to the solicitation you have been invited to review and will link you directly into that project. If you do not receive an email to set up your account, please reach out to the project administrator/owner.

Please note, our system will send a follow-up invite if you have not logged in within six business days of the initial invite.
Interacting as a Reviewer
Reviewers can enter a project directly from a link in their email inbox; or, by logging into the tool after they've created an account. The link will either take them into the Project Dashboard of a specific project or into a specific section where the Reviewer has been assigned a task. A Reviewer can always view a list of projects for which they have been granted access to in the Main Dashboard.
It is helpful to remember that as a Reviewer, you have the following permissions:
- Can review any section regardless of section status
- Can add comments and track their edits
- Create, edit or mark any task as complete
- Download a draft PDF of any document
- Cannot delete comments from others
- Cannot accept their own suggestions or others
- Cannot reject suggestions from others
From the Projects page, a Reviewer can scroll down to the documents panel and select a document to review. In some instances, the project owner may have created a summary of changes document which can be used to directly link you to amended sections.
While your Project page will appear slightly different from other users, it will aid you in the responsibilities of your role as a Reviewer. During that stage of a document build process at which a review is the next step, the Reviewer has the option of reviewing documents via the summary of changes document, section-by-section within each document, or via tasks/inbox/email notifications.
When logged in, your initials will appear under the role 'Reviewer'. If you scroll down to the top of the documents section, you'll find a Summary of Changes (if one has been created). Once inside the project, a reviewer can navigate to the summary of changes document which outlines and links a user directly to the document or sections that have been changed.
From your solicitation details page, you can select any document (regardless of status) to review. You can begin your review by left-clicking the title of a document to be taken to document view. As you navigate through the tool, you will be reminded of the permissions of your role via a banner at the top of the page. If you require additional permissions, you can request permissions from the Owner of the solicitation.
From document view, you can individually review each section. To begin, hover your cursor over the desired section and you should see a three-dot menu appear. If you select this icon, a drop down menu will appear, with the available options seen below:
Selecting ‘Review Section’ will bring you to the text editor for the selected section. From this view, you will have the ability to review the section by adding comments and suggesting any changes you may see fit. You’ll notice that as you begin suggesting changes, those edits are tracked by the tool. This feature aids in real-time collaboration and alerts the owner to any changes made to their solicitation.
To add any new texts, sentences, or characters, you can begin by typing directly into the text editor. As you begin typing, the tool will highlight those changes in green. If you want to make a deletion, simply select the delete button or highlight the text in question and select 'delete'. Those edits will be highlighted in red.
Selecting ‘Manage Section Tasks’ will bring you to the task view for that particular section. For more information on Tasks, see below.
Managing Tasks
In addition to navigating the document through the summary of changes, a Reviewer can be guided directly into relevant sections through tasks they receive via email notifications. When the Reviewer has been assigned a task, they will receive a notification to the email address attached to their user profile. Within that email, they will find a link to take them directly to the document/section in need of review. User’s can also access different sections for review via their task view page located within the tool.
User’s can also access different sections for review via their task view page and inbox located within the tool.
For more information on managing tasks, refer to the
article here.