Project Stages for Users

Project Stages for Users

Solicitation Roles

Once you have created your account within the tool, you can access your main dashboard. You will not see a project on your dashboard until you are invited to a project. A user may have different roles for different projects. Let's go into detail below:
  1. Guest Contributor = View-only permissions; Can edit sections only when a document's permissions are updated to allow GC's. Can request to unlock any documents or sections.
  2. Reviewer = Can comment and make tracked changes on all document sections in a solicitation.
  3. Guest Viewer = View-only permissions; cannot make comments, track changes, or author new content.
Project Roles can be assigned when a project is created. After a solicitation is created, roles can be changed by Administrators, Owners and Editors on the 'Edit Solicitation Details' page. 

Project Stages

After an admin has created appropriate workflows, permissions for each stage can be edited via "Edit Project Settings" button within a project. They can also change the owner of a project at any time from their project dashboard by selecting "Edit" on the right-hand side of the screen for the project in question.

Unlike the solicitation builder project stage, Admins are the only ones that can access the all project stages and they are responsible for adding Admin Contributors or View-Only Contributors to each project stage.

Procurement Officers can manage a project and project stages for ones they have have created after a workflow has be selected. Once inside a project that they have created, they can select admin and/or view only contributors  PO's will need to be invited to a project and/or project stage that they did not create.

The list of people that populate as a contributor will only be those who have been invited to your organization. If you have not already, please invite new team members and have them set up an account. 
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Within Project Settings, users can be added as either an Admin Contributor or a View-Only Contributor. 
  1. Admin Contributors within a project can contribute to any project they have been invited as well assign and remove evaluations.
  2. View-Only Contributors can only view content. No matter their role within an organization, they will not be able to make any changes. For example, a person with the permissions for procurement staff within their org is added as a view-only contributor to a project will not be able to make any edits.

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