

Invoicing Overview

This article covers how to create and edit an invoice in the system and how to update the approval status of an invoice. 

All invoicing controls are housed in the "Invoicing" substage of Project Oversight. Please note, if you do not see an invoicing substage, that is likely because invoicing has not been enabled for your project. Reach out to your Project Manager to confirm that you will be using the tool for invoicing. 

How to Create and Edit Invoices

How to Create an Invoice

In order to submit an invoice, please take the following actions: 

Navigate to the "Invoice" substage of the project and click "Add New Invoice."

In the new invoice module that opens, first attach the invoice and any related documents: 

Next, to calculate the value being invoiced, select the relevant milestone, and either enter a percentage in the left box or a total value in the right empty box to set the amount being invoiced. If the milestone dollar value is incorrect, you will need to edit the milestone from the "Milestones and Reports" page.

If there is a deliverable associated with the milestone, attach it using the file uploader 

If multiple, milestones are associated with the invoice, click "Associate another milestone" and repeat the two steps above.

Complete the remaining fields on the invoice to provide all the data needed for reporting.

Click "Create Invoice" to save the invoice to the system. 

The invoice will now appear in the table with the status "Invoice Submitted."

How to Edit an Invoice

If there is an error in an invoice, you can edit the invoice as long the invoice has not yet been approved by a subsequent party. To edit the invoice follow these steps: 

Navigate to the "Invoice" substage of the project and click the blue Invoice ID for the invoice to open it. 

Update the details of the invoice as required and click "Update Invoice" to save the changes. Please note an email will go out to all parties notifying them that an invoice was submitted.

3. The updated invoice will appear in the Invoice table with the same Invoice ID number.

Approving an Invoice: Updating Invoice Statuses

When an invoice is submitted, you will receive an email notification with the invoice and any affiliated deliverables attached. To approve the invoice in the system, follow these steps: 

Click the link in the email to login to the tool and open the project identified in the email.

Navigate to the "Invoice" substage of the project and click the blue Invoice ID for the invoice to open it. 

Review the details of the invoice, and, if all is ready for approval, scroll to the bottom of the invoice and use the drop down to select your approval status. C

The invoice will now appear in the table with the updated approval status and the next party to approve will be notified to review the invoice and submit their approval.  

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