Your platform Inbox is a place to refer to the aggregate of messages directed to you from throughout the platform. The Inbox features in Document Builder are designed to help you stay organized, this article describes the tools available to you, including messages, mentions, comments, real-time collaboration, and notifications.
The Inbox is accessible from the blue bar at the top of every page in Document Builder.
You can access these communication records from your Inbox:
All messages you send
Messages when someone mentions you by @name
Comments when someone mentions you by @name

- Messages cannot be deleted. Messages will always display on 1) on the page you sent the message and 2) in your Inbox.
- Unlike messages, comments can be deleted. When a comment is deleted, the record is removed from 1) the section where you left the comment and 2) your Inbox.
Here is an overview of the design and buttons inside your Inbox:
- Archive icon: click to move a message/comment move to the Archived tab
- Blue line: indicates a message that is unread
- Project name will be displayed and formatted as a blue tag/label.
- Click the arrow above project name to open a separate tab with the document, section, or project
- Circles and initials/profile picture: indicate all people in the message thread
Lastly, you can manage your Inbox over time by using your the Filter and Search tools.
You can deliver messages on the following pages and records:
- Documents and Sections
- Questions
- Tasks
- Inbox
See examples below.
Document View / Section View: You can send a message from within document view and/or section view.
Questions: You can send a message on an object like questions.
Tasks: Click on the task title from wherever it’s listed. Navigate to the ‘Comment’ tab and enter a comment in the text field. To tag a team member in the comment and have a notification appear in their inbox, type ‘@’ followed by that member’s name. Click ‘Send Comment’.
Inbox: You can send a message from within your DB Inbox.
Mentions allow you to send a direct message to a specific person or people. This action sends notifications to the user's DB Inbox and their work email inbox.
You can mention users in messages and comments. To mention someone:
- Open a new comment or message
- Type "@" followed by first name
- From the drop down list that appears, select the person you want to mention by clicking their name
- Click 'Send Message'

You can only mention users who are members of your project. If you don't see someone you need to mention, add them to your solicitation or contact your Editor/Administrator.
Comments are discussions or notes that can be added to specific text within your document sections.

Note: Unlike messages, comments can be deleted. When comments are deleted, the history is removed from your Inbox.
Comments can be viewed on the document section page, and in the Inboxes of any users mentioned by @name in the comment thread.
To add a new comment or reply to a comment:
- Open a document section
- Click the Comment button in the toolbar, or find the comment you want to reply to Write your comment
- Click "comment" to save

To view all messages received from team members, and any comments that you’ve been tagged in, navigate to your Inbox

Click on the message to respond, just as you would in a personal email account or social media inbox.