Importing and Exporting Documents and Projects

Importing and Exporting Documents and Projects

Importing/Converting Word (DOCX) and other Files

You can convert uploaded Word files (DOCX) to Document Builder templates or docs for your project(s), as well as import other files as attachments.

There are 2 features available depending on the type of file and what you want to accomplish:
  1. Import/Convert Microsoft Word documents
  2. Upload files and retain file type

1. Import/Convert Microsoft Word documents

Please follow formatting instructions below before attempting to upload. 

Formatting Instructions:
  1. Prepare your Microsoft Word file. Use the "Headings" feature in Microsoft Word so that: Sections with whole numbers are formatted with Heading 1; Subsections with 2 digits are formatted with Heading 2; etc.
      1. Use style format "Heading 1" to denote parent Section Headings within your Word document. Doing this, the section will start with a whole number in Document Builder when converted (i.e. 1. Introduction)
      2. Use style format "Heading 2" in your Word document to denote subsections to parent sections within your Word document. (i.e. 1.1 Purpose)
      3. Please note, that you cannot skip between heading levels (such as starting with Heading 1 then skipping to Heading 3) and achieve the desired section nesting. You must start with Heading 1 and proceed down the hierarchy.
Save or Download the Microsoft Word file to your local computer
  1. Add document to your project
    1. Open Project > Documents tab > Add New Document
    2. Fill out the required fields. For the document type, select "Uploaded File."
    3. A new option will appear: Convert Word document to SB document. Check this box.
    4. Click Add document to save
    5. Your document will start converting.

2. Upload Files and Retain File Type

Formatting Instructions:
  1. Add document to your project
    1. Open Project > Documents tab > Add New Document
    2. Fill out the required fields. For the document type, select "Uploaded File."
    3. A new option will appear: Upload Replacement Document. Click and select a file from your local computer
    4. Click Add document to save.

Exporting to PDF

All users can download PDF versions of individual Document Builder documents for review from the document’s main page.
To download a document:
  1. Open the project
  2. Open the document you want to download
  3. In the top right corner above the document, click 'Download Draft PDF'.
  4. The system will create a PDF and download it to your web browser's default location.

If you want to export drafts of all solicitation documents at once, go to the individual solicitation dashboard, navigate to the Action Center, and select Export Solicitation PDF.

You can also select different purposes for your export or even add notes.

If you only want to export some of the documents in your solicitation, just make your selection and export.

Once the export is complete, you will be able to download a ZIP file from the Exports panel at the bottom of the Solicitation’s page.

If you export for a purpose other than Draft, the status of your solicitation will automatically change to the purpose you exported for: Published, Addendum, or Contracting.

When you export your project to PDF, Uploaded Files will follow these rules:
  1. Individual file: will download as the same file type you uploaded

  2. Merged PDF: will include a placeholder page that states "See attached file: <Document Title>"

Default style settings for PDF file exports

Many style settings for document content can be customized and configured on the front end by Administrators and Procurement Officials. Other settings are set by default on the backend, and only changeable at the global level for your organization. This is to keep your documents consistent and ADA compliant.

Changes to Document Builder defaults may be made on the backend if required according to State of California policies or guidelines and provide documented evidence of requirement. This is to separate preferences from requirements, to ensure that documents are consistent, compliant, and accessible to the authors and readers.

The table below outlines the default style settings for PDF documents that are exported from Document Builder:

Default Style Settings for PDF Files exported from Document Builder

  1. File type export: PDF

  2. Font family: Arial Regular

  3. Font sizes:

    1. Document titles: 14pt

    2. Section headings: 14pt

    3. Body: 12pt

  4. Font colors:

    1. Black (#000000)

    2. Colors also customizable

  5. Line spacing: 1.5pt

  6. Lists of documents and sections within documents: Numbered lists with sub numbers enumerated as 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc.

  7. Letter case for titles:

    1. Document category (e.g. Attachment, Exhibit): Uppercase

    2. Document title, section title, subsection title: customizable by Admins

  8. Tables:

    1. Simple content (plain text, no paragraph or line breaks, no objects)

      1. Padding: 0

      2. Line spacing: 1.15

    2. Complex content (line or paragraph breaks, lists, images:

      1. Padding: 14

      2. Line spacing: 1.5

Exporting to Word (.DOCX)

Documents developed in Document Builder can be exported to Microsoft Word files (.DOCX) by Administrators, Project Owners, and Project Editors.

From within a Project, users can export 1 document or all documents to DOCX.
See instructions and videos below.

Exporting 1 Document to DOCX

  1. Open a document
  2. Ensure status is In Progress
  3. At the top, click Download Draft DOCX
  4. This will initiate your file conversion
  5. When the file is ready, you will receive: 1) notification in DB with a link to download, and 2) in case you navigate away from the system, an email with a link to download the file.

Exporting an Entire Project to DOCX

  1. In the Solicitation Details tab, click Export Solicitation DOCX
  2. On the next page, fill out any optional details, then click Create Export
  3. Open the Exports tab. When your export finishes processing, click Download Zip File
  4. This will download a zipped folder of your documents as .DOCX files that can be opened with Microsoft Word.

[Note] If your solicitation has Uploaded File documents that contain DOC, PDF, PPT, or XLSX files, these will retain their file type when exported and not convert to DOCX files.

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