How to assign evaluations

How to assign evaluations

Navigate to the Assign Evaluations sub-stage and select the application or applications to begin assigning evaluators.

You can assign any one with a platform account in your organization to be an evaluator. Select the evaluator from the dropdown menu. You can add as many evaluators to the application as you need.

Alternatively, you can assign multiple evaluations to one or more evaluators by using the dropdown applicant menu.

Once an evaluator is assigned, they will appear in the Evaluators column of the Applications to Evaluate panel. If they have not completed the evaluation, there will be “x” next to their name. Once the evaluation is complete, it will change to a check mark.

As you assign evaluators, you can view your team’s progress in the Evaluator Workload panel.

Evaluations can be reassigned to other evaluators at any time.

Evaluations can also be deleted, by accessing the Evaluation Details.

When assigned evaluators open the tool, they will see only the evaluations assigned to them in the Your Evaluations Sub-stage.

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