User Guide: Guest Evaluators
User Guide for Guest Evaluators
This article is a guide for users who are invited to an Evaluation Project to conduct evaluations. This User guide is intended to help Guest Evaluators get up to speed on the key workflows of the Evaluation Builder platform including:
- Accessing Your Evaluations
- Completing your Evaluations
- Confirming Your Evaluations are complete
Accessing Your Evaluations
After applications are submitted by vendors, you can evaluate and automatically calculate scores using your evaluation criteria and evaluation workbook.
The Evaluation stage is always included in projects with the Evaluation Builder workflow.
You will be working in the “Your Evaluations” substage to score individual applications, or if assigned to criteria groups you’ll be working in the “Criteria Assignment” substage where you’ll be grading specific criteria across all applications.
Completing your Evaluations
Users will read the response on the left; and provide their score on the right.
Their scores will be added to the next Evaluation substage: Summary.
Confirming Your Evaluations are Complete
You will know your evaluation is complete when you return to the main dashboard in the “Your Evaluations” or “Criteria Assignment” substage when there is a green check mark under the “Completed” column.
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