

Within DB, admins can create form templates as well as evaluation form templates. For workflows that contain forms (e.g. application builder), you can bring the form in at the workflow level so all projects that use that workflow will automatically have that form brought in (rare) OR you can pull templates into the project at the application builder stage (more common).

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Evaluations and Forms can either be built first as a template that you intend to re-use for multiple projects OR built within the project. Here is some information on Forms:
  1. Once the template is finalized, you can “pull” the form into a project at the “Form Builder” stage by hitting add form, clicking the template you’d like to use and *giving the form a local name.* If there is an evaluation template associated, the evaluation will be automatically pulled in. Once in the project, you can make changes to the forms and evaluations locally and they will not change the template.
  2. You can create a new form within the project by selecting "add form" and giving it a name.
Evaluations can either be built off of a form (e.g. add criteria to a form question) OR they are a stand-alone form (e.g. just evaluation criteria). Here is some information on Evaluations:
  1. If you remove the evaluation from the project, it will delete the evaluation; if you delete a question on the form with associated evaluation criteria, it will delete all the associated criteria. Aside from that, you can change evaluations at any time.
  2.  For now, stand-alone evaluations are created only within the "Project Oversight" stage. 
  3. You can delete and edit respondent/vendor forms up until they submit their application via the form.
  4. You can add as many evaluation project stages as your project needs.

  1. When a template is “pulled” into the project it is creating a separate instance of the form. If you made template changes after the fact, you will need to delete the forms/evaluations within the project and re-add them for the changes to be fully reflected. Changes at the template level do NOT populate down to the form or evaluation once they are pulled into a form.
  2. Similarly, changes made to a form or evaluation within a project will only pertain to that project. You would need to recreate the form or evaluation at the template-level if you want to capture that information to pull into other projects.
  3. To filter for specific criteria on a form, select no for "Include all criteria" within evaluation settings and tag all the criteria you want to include at that stage.

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