Export to Word (.DOCX)

Export to Word (.DOCX)

Documents developed in Document Builder can be exported to Microsoft Word files (.DOCX) by Administrators, Project Owners, and Project Editors.

From within a Project, users can export 1 document or all documents to DOCX.
See instructions and videos below.

Export 1 Document to DOCX

  1. Open a document
  2. Ensure status is In Progress
  3. At the top, click Download Draft DOCX
  4. This will initiate your file conversion
  5. When the file is ready, you will receive: 1) notification in DB with a link to download, and 2) in case you navigate away from the system, an email with a link to download the file.

Export All Documents to DOCX

  1. In the Solicitation Details tab, click Export Solicitation DOCX
  2. On the next page, fill out any optional details, then click Create Export
  3. Open the Exports tab. When your export finishes processing, click Download Zip File
  4. This will download a zipped folder of your documents as .DOCX files that can be opened with Microsoft Word.

[Note] If your solicitation has Uploaded File documents that contain DOC, PDF, PPT, or XLSX files, these will retain their file type when exported and not convert to DOCX files.

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