Working with Documents and Sections

Working with Documents and Sections

Below we will walk you through how to configure your documents/sections to ensure you have the skills needed to release your projects.

Let's get started!

Please note that edits made to a document within a specific solicitation will not affect the main template of said document. Templates can only be changed by an Administrator.

Document Settings

Owners/Editors can edit Document Settings to change the title, permissions, and other settings. 

To edit document settings, go to the Documents tab click "Edit" or within a document click "Document Settings."

If you delete any documents or sections, this will also break the +document links.
To keep the dynamic references already setup in your templates, try to keep existing documents and sections as-is rather than removing and recreating them.

Section Settings

As an Owner/Editor, you can open document settings to change the name, permissions, and other settings. 
  1. Documents settings can be found on the solicitation details page and in document view.

  2. You can edit the permissions for individual sections within document view.

As a reminder, Guest Contributors for a solicitation will not have the permissions to reorder sections, add or remove sections/subsections unless document settings is marked to allow guest contributors. 

Managing Sections

SB documents consist of one or more sections, which in turn can have sub-sections and sub-sub sections which you can then number (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.). You can edit and rearrange sections, add new sections and delete sections as necessary for your project. 

After you have created your new sections, you can find a collapsible list view of each section in the table of contents; or ToC for short.

Header and Footer Templates

Header and footer templates can save you time when working in a solicitation.
  1. Administrators can configure header and footer templates and associate them with document templates, to save Procurement Staff time when working on solicitations.
  2. Procurement Staff can also create custom/new headers and footers in solicitations. 


  1. In order to apply Header/Footer updates in bulk to multiple documents, an Administrator or Procurement Staff user must first 1) create the Header and Footer template and 2) edit applicable documents and select the Header and Footer template. 
  2. Any edits to Configured Header and Footer templates will apply to all future solicitations that are created after the template is updated.
  3. Any edits to Header and Footer templates within Projects will not affect the Configured template.
  4. The variables $page_number and $total_pages will not populate with page numbers until your document is exported to PDF.

How to configure a new header/footer template

  1. Open the Configuration Page, go to Header and Footer Templates, and click Add New Header & Footer 
    1. Write and format the Header and Footer template, save
  2. Return to the Configuration page, go to Document Templates
    1. Find the 1st document you want to apply the header to, click Edit to open Document Settings
    2. Select your Header & Footer Template and save
    3. Repeat for all documents in your list
This will apply the header/footer to all documents you edited for future solicitations.
After this is done, you will be able to use the header/footer template to make one change and apply the changes to multiple documents. See instructions for this, below. 

Create new header/footer templates in a project

  1. Open a Solicitation, go to Header and Footer Templates, and click Add New Header & Footer
    1. Write and format the Header and Footer template, save
  2. Return to your solicitation, go to Documents
    1. Find the 1st document you want to apply the header to, click Edit to open Document Settings
    2. Select your Header & Footer Template and save
    3. Repeat for all documents in your list
This will apply the header/footer to all documents you edited for your solicitation.
After this is done, you will be able to use the header/footer template to make one change and apply the changes to multiple documents. See instructions for this, below. 

Update header/footer for multiple documents

  1. First follow the steps above so that an existing header/footer template is applied to the multiple documents you want to update.
  2. Open a Solicitation, go to Header and Footer Templates, and click Edit
  3. Change header and footer text, save
  4. Your changes will be applied to all documents where the header/footer template is selected
Screenshot of header and footer template page in solicitation builder that will Screenshot of document settings page in solicitation builder that will be a page you view and work from when participating in this training activity.

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