Configuring the Scope Statement
Lesson Overview
The Scope Statement substage is intended to provide a single-source of truth for all project-planning elements agreed upon between parties leading up to the project. As such, there is a section intended to be populated by the government (with and a section for each vendor in the project oversight stage to complete. As the government, once you publish your section, all the vendors will see your response. The response published by a vendor will only be visible to the government, not any other vendors in the project.
The elements provided are simply recommendations; only populate the elements relevant to your project and ignore the others.
Populating the Scope Statement
To populate an element of the scope statement, please follow these steps:
Step | Action |
1. | Click on the element you would like to populate to expand the controls, and click "Edit description" to open the editor controls
2. | Draft your response in the text editor.
3. | Click "save as draft" to save and continue editing. Click "Save as Completed" to publish the response to the vendor(s).
4. | Once published, the element will show as "Completed" and the content you published will appear on the section when expanded.
5. | Once you have finished populating all the relevant elements to your satisfaction, scroll to the bottom of the page below the vendor response and click "Save and Continue" to mark this stage complete.
Viewing Responses from Vendors
Below your section will be the sections to be completed by each vendor invited to the project oversight stage. If only one vendor is participating in the project oversight stage, you will see only one with the the name of the vendor above the two elements to be completed by them. However, if there are multiple vendors invited, you will see multiple of these sections, each with the name of the respective vendor above their section.
When a vendor has not published their elements, you will see a red "Not Started" next to the element. Once it's published, like your sections, that will update to a "Published" green flag. To view the published content, simply click on the element to expand the element and view the response.
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