Account Roles and Project Roles

Account Roles and Project Roles

Accounts and Account Roles

Accounts connect people to the platform. Each person who will be accessing the platform should have 1 account. 
Account Roles determine a person's access to pages of the platform, as well as permissions to carry out actions.

There are three Account Roles:
  1. Administrator:
    1. Can create, edit, and archive accounts, templates, logics, projects, and analytics reports.
    2. Responsible for managing and maintaining the organization including accounts, document templates, business logic, and analytics. 
  2. Procurement Staff:
    1. Can create and manage projects. Full permissions to create, edit, archive objects in their own projects. Responsible for managing projects from start to completion. 
    2. Cannot access templates, business logic, analytics.
  3. User:
    1. Can access projects they are added to to carry out specific actions, with less permissions compared to Procurement Staff and Administrators. 
    2. Cannot create nor manage projects.

Managing Accounts

Accounts are created by accepting an account invitation.
After you accept your account invitation, you can view and manage accounts from the Organization Members page.

Accept account invitation

To access the platform, accept your account invitation.




Open the invitation email "Invitation to join [[Organization Name]] on [[Module Name]]!" Click the button to accept the invitation.


Fill out the fields including email address and password, then Create Account. The requirements for password are:

  1. Between 8-128 characters
  2. At least one uppercase letter
  3. At least one lowercase letter
  4. At least one special character


You account will be created and you can now access the platform at

Reset Password

You can reset your account password anytime at
Administrators can reset passwords for users from the Organization Members page.

Edit Your Account Details

To edit your account, first login to the platform, hover over your name, then open Account Details.
From Account Details, you can edit your email address, name, phone number, timezone, and password.

Create New Account

To create a new Account:




Go to the Organization Members page and click Invite New Team Member.


Fill out the fields for email address, first name and last name. Administrators will see an option to select the Account Type: Administrator, Procurement Staff, or make no selection to set "User."


An invitation will be sent to the email address provided.

Optionally, Administrators can copy invitation URL and send directly to the person they invited.

Administrators can also resend invitations.

Edit Account Type (Administrators Only)

To edit account type:




Go to the Organization Members page and find the account you want to edit


Click the user's name to display their details, then click Settings


Change the Account Role. Deselect all options to change to User. Click Update to save.

Deactivate Account (Administrators Only)

To deactivate an account:




Go to the Organization Members page and find the person you want to deactivate


Click the user's name to display their details, then click Remove From Team


The person can no longer log in, and their account record will be moved from Active Users to Deactivated Users.

If you need to re-invite a Deactivated User, go to the Deactivated Users tab and click Re-Invite to Team.

Project Roles

Similar to Account Roles, Project Roles determine access and permissions within projects. There are 6 Project Roles:
  1. Owners: Can view, edit and delete all items within solicitation including archiving the solicitation itself.
    If you are creating the project, you will be assigned as the Owner. Owners are responsible for completing and managing projects.

  2. Editors: Can view, edit and delete all items within solicitation. Cannot archive solicitation.
    Editors have permissions that are very similar to Owners. You can think about Editors as co-project owners.

  3. Guest Contributor: Can edit sections only when a document's permissions are updated to allow GC's. Can request to unlock documents or sections.
    Guest Contributors have fewer permissions than Editors/Owners. People assigned to the Guest Contributor role are often subject-matter experts who should write parts of documents, but shouldn't have access to all documents.

  4. Reviewer: Can comment and make tracked changes on all document sections in a solicitation.
    Reviewers can make comments and track changes in documents. Comments and track changes need to be accepted by Editors or the Owner.

  5. Guest Viewer: View-only permissions; cannot make comments, track changes, or author new content.
    If someone wants visibility into a project, they can be invited as a Guest Viewer. Guest Viewers make comments or edit, but they can view all substages and documents.

  6. Evaluator: Evaluation stage access only; can access application evaluations that have been assigned to them by Project Owners or Editors, can only edit their evaluation scoring and justification fields.
    Evaluators can be assigned individually or as groups, they can access evaluations assigned to them as soon as application submission periods have concluded.

Account Roles, Project Roles, Permissions and Management

Please note that when a user has an Account Role that allows for blanket utilization of certain features, but is then added to a Project in a role that diminishes utilization of that feature; the user will experience the least-permissions-defined for them in that project. Please observe this example:

In the above case of "Questions: Answer all questions in a solicitation", if an Admin user were defined as "Project Role: Reviewer" they would effectively be barred from answering all questions in that specific solicitation. Please be mindful of this consideration as you review and assign permissions.

Permissions Matrices (downloadable PDF)

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
ConfigurationAdminProcurement Official (P.O.)User (Contributor)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
Create new document templates
Edit document templates
Archive document templates
Create new solicitation attributes
Edit solicitation attributes
Archive solicitation attributes
Create new questions
Edit questions
Delete questions

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
SolicitationsAdminProcurement OfficialUser (Contributor)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
View all solicitations
Edit all solicitations
Archive all solicitations
Create new solicitations
View solicitations they created
Edit solicitations they created
Archive solicitations they created
Edit solicitation details
Submit requested changes to document templates
Edit all documents and sections
Track changes all documents and sections
Comment in sections
Edit the status of all documents and sections
Upload new documents
Invite new collaborators to a solicitation
Remove collaborators from a solicitation
Propose variations to sections
ADA compliance
Export Solicitation to PDF
Edit documents and sections they are invited to
Request access to edit sections they are not assigned to or sections that have been marked as completed
View solicitations they are invited to

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
QuestionsAdminProcurement OfficialContributor (User)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
Answer all questions in a solicitation
Answer questions assigned to GCs in a solicitation
Reassign questions to any solicitation contributor
Reassign questions assigned to GC to any solicitation contributor
View all questions in a solicitation

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
CommunicationAdminProcurement OfficialContributor (User)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
Personal inbox
Send message other users
Send a message to a user about a specific solicitation, document, section, questions, or task

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
TasksAdminProcurement OfficialContributor (User)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
Personal task inbox
Create new tasks
Assign tasks
Receive task assignments

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
Organization Profile & User ManagementAdminProcurement OfficialContributor (User)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
View organization profile
Edit organization profile
Remove user accounts
View all organization members
Invite new users

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
Support ResourcesAdminProcurement OfficialContributor (User)Owner (Admin)Editor (Admin)Owner (P.O.)Editor (P.O.)Guest Contributor (User/ PO)Reviewer (User)Guest Viewer (User)Evaluator (User)
Access to online knowledge base
Access to live chat
Access to email support
Access to support phone number

Guest Contributor Permissions

Guest Contributor Permissions vary the most within Projects due to the granular controls that Owners and Editors can exercise over Documents and Sections. Guest Permissions be customized for each Document and each Section within the project. Permissions for Guests will depend on if the document allows Guests yes/no; and if the section allows Guests yes/no. See list of permissions for Guests, below.

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
Editing Permissions for Guest Contributors: Document and Section-Level Controls:
Document-enabled access
Section-enabled access
Guest Contributor (User/ PO)
Edit the document and all sections
Edit enabled sections
Track changes in sections
Edit document settings
Edit section settings
Download file (individual document)
Download draft DOCX
Preview as respondent
Access Recommendation activity
Change section status
Change document status
Add new section/ subsection
Add field
Remove section
Manage section tasks
Duplicate section

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
Editing Permissions for Guest Contributors: Document and Section-Level Controls:
Document-disabled access
Section-enabled access
Guest Contributor (User/ PO)
Edit the document and all sections
Edit enabled sections
Track changes in section
Edit document settings
Edit section settings
Download file
Download draft DOCX
Preview as respondent
Access Recommendation activity
Change section status
Change document status
Add new section/ subsection
Add field
Remove section
Manage section tasks
Duplicate section

Account Role (Default Permissions w/ Out Project Role Assigned)Project Roles (Permissions Granted by Assigning Role in Project)
Editing Permissions for Guest Contributors: Document and Section-Level Controls:
Document-disabled access
Section-disabled access
Guest Contributor (User/ PO)
Edit the document and all sections
Track changes all documents and sections
Edit document settings
Download file
Download draft DOCX
Preview as respondent
Access Recommendation activity
Change section status
Change document status
Add new section/ subsection
Add field
Remove section
Manage section tasks
Duplicate section

Managing Project Roles

Now that you are aware of the permissions for account and project roles, you can proceed to assigning users according to the needs defined for the platform and projects. You can assign people to Project Roles when you first create a project, or after creating a project.

Notes about Managing Project Roles
  1. Each project has 1 Owner.
  2. You can add multiple people to the roles Editor, Guest Contributor, Reviewer, and Guest Viewer.
  3. Within a project, you should assign a person to 1 role.
  4. Across different projects, you can assign a person to different roles.
To assign Project Roles when you first create a project: type a name into the role field you want to assign.
If the name does not appear, click invite a new user and fill out their email address and name to send a new invite. Refresh the webpage then type the name in the role field, and the new name will appear.

To assign/edit project roles after creating a project: go to your project's Solicitation Details substage and click Edit Solicitation Details, type a name into the role you want to assign, then Update to save.

If Document Settings are set to "Yes" to allow Guests and Section Settings are set to "No": Document Settings takes precedent over the Section settings.
Guests will be able to access all sections in the document. 

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